The Water Quality Protection Department includes the On-Site Sewage Facility (OSSF) and the Highland Lakes Watershed Ordinance (HLWO) programs.
The red area on the map represents where LCRA regulates the installation and operation of septic systems with OSSF. The multi-color area on the map represents where LCRA regulates development within the Highland Lakes watershed.
Enter a street address or a ZIP code to find out whether a property is within LCRA’s jurisdiction. In cases where it is unclear, contact LCRA at 512–578–3200 or 800–776–5272, for a determination.
For more information on the OSSF program: On-Site Sewage Facilities Program
For more information on the HLWO program: Highland Lakes Watershed Ordinance
DISCLAIMER: LCRA strives to provide accurate data according to the resources available. However, LCRA does not warrant or guarantee that the information provided is complete, accurate or current. LCRA shall not be liable for any deficiency in the information.